TeaSwap Surprise!

Teaswap Finance
2 min readJun 17, 2021


Hello everyone,

Because we had an countless number of difficulties to face since our launch, and our early TeaSwapers need it! — We decided to offer to everyone the possibility to take a break and have a little bit of FUN ! This before all new DEFI features and the so expected TeaParties!

Then, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to:

☢️✨TeaSwap SportParties! ✨☢️

We are proud to offer to you our SURPRISE feature of TeaSwap Project and a new use case for MINT, SUGAR and LP holders! 😍

Then, what are the TeaSwap SportParties ?

Special events linked to international sport competitions!

Every SportParty will be linked to a special sport event and you will be able to farm a new token dedicated to it, with the token itself but also with MINT, SUGAR and LPs !

Why “Sport” in TeaSwap project ?

As you can find in our documentations in the IRL Phase (docs.tea-swap.finance/irl-phase) the link between our project and Sports and eSports will be close throughout the long life of TeaSwap.

First, we are like many of you persuaded that democratization of cryptocurrency will continue its paths with massive arrival of gamers next in the decentralized finance.

Second, each TeaSwap SportParty will contribute directly to the funding of associations voted by TeaSwapers among proposed associations.

Ok fine ! What’s more ?

You will be able to use your MINT tokens to use the new cote feature 🔥🔥 to know which team / sportsmen or women TeaSwap will support !

Nice ! Voting to support but… what is the goal of supporting a side ?

By supporting a team/ person, if they are performing in the special event, you will have upgraded rewards multiplicators for farming !! 👩‍🌾

If they don’t, you will have downgraded ones 🤯

The first SportParty is starting THIS SATURDAY and is linked to… the UEFA Euro 2021 ⚽️ 🥳

So, are you ready to participate to the first real-time changing yield farming linked to IRL sport events ??

Stay Tuned and be ready for this first SportParty!

All the rules of this DEFI interactive farming event will be published in our GitBook on June Friday 18. An update is to come very soon!

Thanks ! See you soon in our Dapp!

TeaSwap Team 🍵

◾️ Website: https://tea-swap.finance
◾️ Dapp : https://app.tea-swap.finance
◾️ TG Group: https://t.me/TeaswapFinance
◾️ Twitter : https://twitter.com/SwapTea



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